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Call for participation: Choral Crossroads 2013 in Limassol, Cyprus

The Cultural Movement of Limassol “Epilogi” – Jeunesses Musicales Cyprus and the Association of Hungarian Choirs and Orchestras “KÓTA” announce the call for participant choirs for the 2nd Euro-Mediterranean Youth Choral Fair “Choral Crossroads 2013 – Singing the bridges”. The project will take place between 27 and 30 September 2013, in Limassol, Cyprus and will […]

Fresh Echoes from EMYME 2012

Today is the last day of this year’s and also the first ever Euro-Med Youth Music Expo and we’re so full of good vibes and positive energy that we have to share it! Here’s a few words and links we’ve spotted on some of the participating musician’s Facebook pages, we’ll be back with a full […]

Euro-Med Youth Music Expo 2012

Take a look at the fabulous musicians and bands selected to participate at this year’s expo, more than 130 foreign musicians will take the trip to Limassol for this year’s event! Between 28 September and 1 Octoberm Limassol will become a multinational melting pot of cultures where musicians from all musical areas and social backgrounds […]

Apply now for the first Ethno Jordan

The National Music Conservatory/King Hussein Foundation and in cooperation with Jeunesses Musicales International (JMI), the Arab Academy of Music (Arab League) and the Cultural Movement-Limassol-Epilogi (Cyprus) would like to announce the first ever ETHNO JORDAN (Euro-Arab Music Lab) which will take place in Amman, Jordan from 1-6 September 2012. Ethno Jordan will welcome 40 young […]